Every monthly plan has a certain allowance for the month. Even the Unlimited plans like The 55, the Unlimited TnT and the Data King have limited data. So if you need to exceed your monthly allowance you can do so by having cash balance on your plan. This cash balance will also ensure you have service during the monthly service gap when the old plan expires and you are waiting for the new plan to renew.
You add cash balance to a monthly plan by buying a Standard plan PIN and that extra cash will sit on your account until you use it (no “leakage”) as long as you keep your account active. That extra cash will be available for any overage on cellular minutes, text or data and will also be available for roaming if needed. We do recommend that you keep your cash balance less than the cost of your monthly plan. This will help reduce renewal issues.
For example: Michael is on the TnT 1200 that costs $29.95 per month. He keeps his cash balance at $29.94 or less. This is most important when Michael’s plan is at renewal time but if he just keeps the balance less than the cost of the monthly plan he never has to be concerned about it.