Monthly plans last one calendar month. Standard plans last 120 days or 365 days or until cash balance is used up.

Monthly plans always include an allowance of minutes, texts and data. Standard plans give you cash balance to buy minutes, texts or data. When you renew the monthly plan you lose any remaining balances of minutes, texts or data on the old month. When you renew the Standard plan you keep any balance and it is added to the new balance.

There is no fee on cash balance on the 
monthly plans. There is a 50 cent per month fee taken from cash balance on the 25th of each month on the Standard plan.

Early renewal on a monthly plan means you lose any remaining balance of minutes, texts or data (no rollover) and you reset your monthly renewal date to the day you renew the new plan. Early renewal of the 
Standard plan only sets the new renewal date 120 or 365 days from the current date when the plan is renewed. Any balance on the Standard plan is carried forward (rollover).